Business Advice
What should I do?
Providing business advice typically uses many of the stages associated with coaching and mentoring to address specific business issues where direction and advice is sought from an external knowledgeable source. Depending on the requirements, I provide both direct advice and, where appropriate, would also recommend working with key partners in professions such as accountancy, financial services, and law.
Advice requirements are many and varied, examples include:
Business Coaching and Mentoring
Ways to improve your business
My approach to business coaching is to firmly establish at the outset the business performance levels and what needs improving to achieve the owners’ and senior managers’ desired goals. I use a tried and tested diagnostic approach that has been designed to measure objectively all the key functions within any business, from traditional manufacturing to latest digital online designers and everything in between.
My structured coaching approach would typically go on to include some or all of the following:
Business Training
Show us/me a better way to do it
I deliver structured external training programmes in partnership with learning and educational organisations such as universities and colleges. These are most commonly delivered to groups of between 8-20 (so-called one-to-many learning) often in half day sessions.
I also provide in-house training support to businesses using both one-to-one and one-to-many sessions. I am an accredited Leadership & Management trainer and, where appropriate, will use the grants and structures from grant-funded programmes.
Ongoing Support for Businesses
The ‘Three Pillars of Success’
In addition to the more intensive programmes above, some businesses require or prefer a more regular level of support to keep on track and to address specific challenges and opportunities as they emerge. I offer two main ways to support this requirement:- Regular (quarterly, monthly) review sessions focussed on ‘Three Pillars of Success’: new business, finance, people.
- Twice-yearly Action Learning days focussing on the Three Pillars – or one-off points.